full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Anthony D. Romero: This is what democracy looks like

Unscramble the Blue Letters

Now, the final image, the most irnamtopt one, really, is one that lrzoetntei did not paint. It is of the viewer. Today, the audience for Lorenzetti's frescoes is not the governing but the governed, the individual who stands in front of his allegories and walks away with insight, who heeds a call to action. Lorenzetti warns us that we must recognize the shadows of acravie, Fraud, diovisin, even Tyranny when they float across our political landscape, especially when those shadows are cast by political lrdaees loudly claiming to be the voice of good government and promising to make America geart again.

Open Cloze

Now, the final image, the most _________ one, really, is one that __________ did not paint. It is of the viewer. Today, the audience for Lorenzetti's frescoes is not the governing but the governed, the individual who stands in front of his allegories and walks away with insight, who heeds a call to action. Lorenzetti warns us that we must recognize the shadows of _______, Fraud, ________, even Tyranny when they float across our political landscape, especially when those shadows are cast by political _______ loudly claiming to be the voice of good government and promising to make America _____ again.


  1. division
  2. important
  3. avarice
  4. lorenzetti
  5. great
  6. leaders

Original Text

Now, the final image, the most important one, really, is one that Lorenzetti did not paint. It is of the viewer. Today, the audience for Lorenzetti's frescoes is not the governing but the governed, the individual who stands in front of his allegories and walks away with insight, who heeds a call to action. Lorenzetti warns us that we must recognize the shadows of Avarice, Fraud, Division, even Tyranny when they float across our political landscape, especially when those shadows are cast by political leaders loudly claiming to be the voice of good government and promising to make America great again.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
bad government 5
good government 5
silicon valley 2
lorenzetti illustrates 2
winged figure 2
lorenzetti warns 2
people passionately 2
free speech 2
speech rights 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
free speech rights 2

Important Words

  1. action
  2. allegories
  3. america
  4. audience
  5. avarice
  6. call
  7. cast
  8. claiming
  9. division
  10. final
  11. float
  12. fraud
  13. frescoes
  14. front
  15. good
  16. governed
  17. governing
  18. government
  19. great
  20. heeds
  21. image
  22. important
  23. individual
  24. insight
  25. landscape
  26. leaders
  27. lorenzetti
  28. loudly
  29. paint
  30. political
  31. promising
  32. recognize
  33. shadows
  34. stands
  35. today
  36. tyranny
  37. viewer
  38. voice
  39. walks
  40. warns